How to Make the Last Four Months of the Year Count


Last week, I was sitting at a coffee shop thinking about how wild it is that the year is already more than half way over. However, I’ve been working on changing my mindset to a glass half full mentality, so I reframed it to the fact that we still have four months left. That's a little less than half a year to do the things we've been putting off!

I know that many of you are probably feeling the same way and are reflecting on this time — how have eight months already flown by? If you've fallen behind on some of your goals (or even neglected them entirely) I'm here to give you permission to be selfish. Permission to put some of your needs at the top of your list. You care for others, maybe take care of children, serve people at work, help your friends, your spouse, etc. but what do you do just for yourself? 

Well sis, you’ve still got time to make 2023 the year you get stronger. It’s okay if you feel like you’re in a slump or if you feel a little “meh.” Give yourself permission to feel that way while also acknowledging that you need to make changes.  Here's some inspo to help you start now….

Trying vs. Training

One concept that has really stuck with me lately is a try vs. train mindset. When you are "trying" to do something, you're essentially giving yourself an excuse to fail. 

“I’m trying to eat better, but I'm still getting fast food a ton." 

“I’m trying to work on getting more sleep, but I still stay up on my phone until midnight.”

When you train for something you are more prepared. You get the gear. You invest the time. You find resources and maybe even spend money. 

For example, if you're training for a marathon you probably get running shoes or a new watch. If you're training to make wiser nutrition choices, you're probably writing out meal plans, looking at recipes, and taking time to be mindful while grocery shopping. 

See what I'm getting at here? If we want to work on bettering our health, we need to be invested and prepared. Making this mindset shift is honestly a lot easier than it sounds. To motivate you further, I'm sharing some simple habits you can adopt to get out of a slump.

Sign Up For a Workout Class

Mine, your neighbor’s, the studio down the street. I don't care what workout class you do, but commit to something now and show up for it. I have $5 classes every Friday or a full on-demand library of classes for $5 or $19.99/month. If you spend $7.50 on your daily matcha, you have zero excuse.

Time Block With a Planner

Whether you use a physical planner or your phone, go into your calendar and schedule your priorities. Block a time to workout (if you're a mom, try to sneak it in while your kids nap or spend time in their rooms), block a time to go on a walk (maybe it's on your lunch break), etc. You can also slate times to get work done, check your emails, or make a healthy lunch. It doesn’t have to be rigid or strict — just try to look at your day and see how much time you do have. 

Try Some New Recipes

Download an app or follow someone who shares recipes you like. Some of my favs are the Forks over Knives app, Rich Roll Meal Planner, Healthy Girl Kitchen, and Brocc Your Body. Pick a few recipes and actually make them during the week. Grocery shop for the items, turn on some Frank Sinatra, pour a glass of kombucha (or wine), and make a yummy meal. There’s something so satisfying and fulfilling about eating a meal that you made. Not to mention, it's probably more nutritious. 

Express Your Gratitude

Carve out a few minutes to write out a list of all the things you’re grateful for. It can be really easy to get stuck on the negative, and while hard things happen, take second to focus on the good things in your life. Even the small moments that we take for granted can add up — like the sunlight coming through your window or your morning cup of coffee. No seriously…go write. I promise it will help. 

Get Outside

This might seem cliche but this concept is proven and it works. I start most days with a walk outside (when weather permits). It keeps me sane and it makes my kids happy — a win-win. While I walk, I like to practice mindful breathing by inhaling through my nose and exhaling through pursed lips. Sometimes Presley does it with me! 

Try Some Retail Therapy

It's crazy how something new can inspire you to start a good routine. Buy a new workout outfit, yoga mat, dumbbells, or water bottle. If you can, spend a little cash on something that will make you feel good and also help you make good decisions for your body. 

Practice Being Mindful

This doesn’t have to be all woo-woo — it goes right along with being grateful. Be mindful in your exercise, mindful while you eat a meal, and mindful while you rest. If we practice this enough we can actually stay in this state and go through life like this. It helps you get out of your head, leave your negative thoughts, and be "all in” with whatever it is you are doing.

Talk to Yourself Kindly

I’ll be the first to talk my friend up and then say terrible things in my head about myself. You can be your own best friend or your worst enemy — and I mean this seriously — stop being so dang mean to yourself. Be freaking proud that you're waking up and showing up. Now let's make a promise to ourselves that we are going to take these next four months and train. We are gonna show up.

I'm going to end with this quote I recently read:  “You do what you do because of what you think of you.”

So think you are a bad*ss and think you are strong, stunning, and capable of putting the work in — you deserve it. AMEN. Love you babes. 

WELLNESSwhitney sicher