10 Health Goals to Set This Fall Season


As soon as the fall months hit, the days get shorter, seasonal snacks and recipes become more tempting, and cooler weather can keep us from exercising as much. Plus, all of the upcoming holiday festivities can really get us off track. For these reasons, I think it's a smart move to kickstart the approaching months by setting specific goals you can carry throughout the season.

The feeling of motivation can honestly be rare for me, but I know how good it feels when I finish a killer workout or eat a nutritious meal, and that's what keeps me coming back. If you feel like you've fallen off track, remember that you can wake up and start again. A healthy lifestyle is an ongoing process. The goal is to stay consistent as possible (while giving yourself grace when things don't go quite as planned).

Whether you need a reboot on your wellness routine or if you're simply looking for ways to keep yourself accountable, these 10 goals will surely help.

Use food as fuel.

Try to aim for an 80/20 balance when it comes to food. It’s about making 80% of the meals you eat healthy and nutritious, while indulging in any cravings and sweets the other 20% of the time. Food is a huge source of inflammation in our bodies but it can also be a huge healer for inflammation, so try to use it as medicine. Don’t miss a meal, but make sure what you’re putting into your body is serving you in some way. Feeling run down? Make a veggie soup. Need an energy boost? Make a cozy cup of matcha.

Choose exercise you actually enjoy.

If we enjoy doing something then we will likely want to do it more frequently. The opposite is also true: If we force ourselves to do things that we don’t enjoy, we’ll dread doing it again. Don’t put yourself through workouts that you hate—do your best to make it fun! This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to love every second of exercising when it’s challenging you physically, but you can still find work outs that you look forward to. Do you prefer low impact or high impact exercises? Indoor or outdoor? What are your goals? These are all good questions to ask yourself when building a routine you want to stick to.

Switch it up.

I love lifting weights, but I also love stretching, walking, hiking, and riding the spin bike. Our minds love trying new things and our muscles do too. Don’t be afraid to lift weights three days and walk three days. ALL movement is medicine.

Don’t get caught up on the time.

You can get a killer workout in in 20 minutes and if that’s all the time you have then GO FOR IT. Sometimes I feel my best workouts are done in short increments because I have less time to think about other stuff/waste time! Even if you only have 30 minutes for a walk around your neighborhood, that’s better than nothing!

Drink your water (seriously).

I know we’ve heard it a million times before, but it’s so important that we keep ourselves well hydrated. Water delivers oxygen throughout the body, boosts skin health, regulates temperature, helps performance, and aids digestion, along with a load of other benefits. A lot of sources say it’s best to drink half an ounce to a full ounce of water for every pound you weigh, which is an easy goal to keep in mind throughout the day.

Set your sleep up for success.

It’s a busy time of year and our to do lists can get crazy long, but sleep is just too important to skimp out on. Try creating a healthy wind down routine so you feel fully relaxed before getting some shut eye. Take a bath, light a candle, read a book, or do a brain dump in a journal before you hop into bed. Make a consistent sleep schedule for yourself (go to bed and wake up at the same time each day) to combat colds, stress, and hormonal imbalances. Your body will thank you!

Take the stairs when possible.

This might seem silly but it’s a great way to sneak in more steps throughout the week. This is an attainable goal I have set for myself (and it makes you feel less lazy!)

Practice positive self talk.

The fall and winter seasons can be full of joy, but it can also be a hard time for many people. Have grace with yourself and be kind. Things that have helped me maintain better mental health include limiting time on social media, saying things I am grateful for, and noticing things I love about myself!

Limit your screen exposure.

Anytime I have said no TV or social for a week I ALWAYS feel better and my anxiety goes way down. This is no coincidence. Social media can be a beautiful and connecting space but it can also set us up for the comparison trap which can steal our joy. Evaluate how much time you watch TV or scroll your feed and try to cut it in half. Life is happening right in front of us and it’s so easy to miss. Even when it feels mundane and boring, there is something to learn in each day.

Find an accountability partner.

Find someone in your life who is aligned with your goals! Ask them to hold you accountable on your journey to better health, and do the same for them. Maybe you and your partner set up a daily check in or weekly call, or maybe you plan to go on hikes or cook healthy meals together. Your wellness journey will be way more fun when you share it with others. Also, who knows who YOU may be motivating when you share your journey.

Need some more support this season? Join my Fierce Fall fitness challenge! Click here for more details.

WELLNESS, FAMILYwhitney sicher